SANSA Batteries

SANSA Batteries. Our electric batteries have numerous improvements compared to those of

the competition, making our batteries the safest and most stable on the market, among which we highlight the following advantages:

  • Insurance of up to 200,000 USD for damages (the competition does not have this)
  • Possibility of LIFETIME WARRANTY (this is not what the competition has either)
  • Intelligent charging system
  • Data transmission and location via Wi-Fi
  • Application for each electric battery
  • Greater charging capacity than batteries with the same powers
  • Longer charging time and distance traveled
  • Fire protection battery

And with the technology of the SANSA Group

Another of the WORLD NEWS that we have is related to the charging system and the electric stations, this will be something IMPRESSIVE.

More information

  1. If you are interested in purchasing any of the products that SANSA offers or belonging to the SANSA Club, click this link: SANSA Club – Clients and Friends
  2. If you are interested in any of the formulas that SANSA Negocios offers to Entrepreneurs and Business Owners, please fill out this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.